Course curriculum
Welcome To The Conscious Creator!
The Conscious Creator Workbook
Lesson 1 - Your Subconscious Mind
Lesson 2 - Understanding Manifesting
Lesson 3 - The 2 Keys To Manifesting
BONUS - Heart Activation Breathing Exercise
BONUS - Meditation to Step Into Your Power!
Lesson 1 - Creating An Unshakable Self-Concept
Lesson 2 - Affirmations Are the Foundation of Self-Concept.
Lesson 3 - Who Is The Version Of You Who Already Has Their Desire?
Lesson 4 - Crafting Your Powerful Self-Concept Affirmations!
BONUS - Powerful Self-Love Meditation
BONUS - Introduction To Hypnosis!
BONUS - Hypnosis: Step Into The Version Of You Who Is The Most Powerful Creator Of Your Life
BONUS - Powerful I AM Affirmations
Additional Resource: Self Affirmation and Reward Process - Oxford Study
Lesson 1 - Create Your Goal!
Lesson 2 - Create Your Powerful Goal Affirmations
BONUS - Powerful NLP Technique: Introduction to Putting Your Goal In Your Future Timeline
BONUS - Putting You Goal In Your Future Timeline
Lesson 1 - Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
OPTIONAL - 90 Min NLP Intensive Session
Lesson 1 - The Law Of Assumption Is Best For Manifesting
Lesson 2 - The Power of Your Imagination
Lesson 3 - The Importance of Persistence
Lesson 4 - The Difference Between The Law of Assumption and The Law of Attraction
Lesson 5 - Your Mental Diet is Crucial!
Additional Resources - CIA Research Regarding Consciousness and Manifesting

About this course
- $497.00
- 36 lessons
- 68 page Workbook
- 5 meditations to embody your new states of being and 1 Quantum Leap meditation to claim it as yours!
- 1 powerful Hypnosis to step into the identity of the most powerful creator