These 5 courses are everything you need to get back in tune with your infinite nature as the most powerful creator of the life you desire!
Here are all the courses, workbooks and meditations that are included in your bundle:
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You will learn how you already manifest every single day, and how to redirect your thoughts and energy to effortlessly create the life you truly do desire.
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Dive deep into all aspects of discovering your Purpose. Living a life of meaning & purpose is essential to overall well-being, happiness and success!
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You are a spiritual being having a human experience. 'Spirituality' has become complicated with all the things you're "meant to be doing" to be "spiritual. This course strips it back and takes you on the beautifully simple, true spiritual journey.
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Learn why CEO’s, professional athletes, serious actors and many other high performing individuals around the world are so dedicated to a daily meditation practice!
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This is the first step to claiming your birth-right for abundance and wealth!
Best Value
Payment Plan (3 x $887)
“Olga, my journey with you has not only transformed my life but also the depths of my soul. I am forever grateful for you and your guidance awakening my spirit - I finally found who I really am! Before my journey with you I lacked confidence, limited myself to what I didn't think I could achieve and always questioned my worth. NOW, I'm the most confident I've ever been, achieving milestones that I only once dreamt of and manifesting so much positive energy into my life - and today I conquered fear! My perception of life is no longer limited to what I think but now to trust what I already know. The universe has a crazy way of bringing forward people that are meant to be apart of your life and I am so thankful the universe brought me to you. I'm eternally thankful that you helped me find what was already mine! #limitingbeliefsnolongerlivehere ”
“After talking with a therapist for a month, I felt like I was in a rut emotionally. A lot of what I had repressed from years growing up had come to the surface and I didn't know what to do with them and talk therapy was not the answer. I had 6 sessions with Olga and within the first two sessions, she helped me to release the core emotions that I discovered and didn't know what to do with. I was honest when I wasn't sure if I was doing the work with her the "right" way and she assured me and helped me overcome the thoughts that the ego creates. She checked in with me throughout the week and ultimately helped me to liberate myself and grow as a person. Since completing the sessions I feel like I’m at peace with my story, I am present and I feel unstoppable”
“I have been on the soul growth path for a long time and knew that the right coach would make a huge difference, and in a very synchronistic way, the universe placed Olga in front of me. Olga's abilities to get to the causes of the beliefs that are not serving you are quite amazing. I can't say how much I really appreciate what her work has done for me and will continue to do, as I continue to do the "work"”